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DEA recently announced a significant change to its registration renewal process.

For several years, DEA’s registration unit has allowed for a grace period for registrants who file an untimely application for renewal.  While DEA’s regulations do not contemplate such a grace period, registrants, especially individual practitioners, were allowed to keep their existing registration number — which was considered valid and active during the grace period — despite the failure to file a timely renewal application and despite multiple notifications from DEA.

In the Matter of S&S Pharmacy, Inc., d/b/a Platinum Pharmacy & Compounding (Sept. 19, 2013) In 2011, Ihab S. Barsoum, the owner and pharmacist-in-charge of S&S Pharmacy, Inc., d/b/a Platinum Pharmacy & Compounding (“Platinum Pharmacy”), engaged in what the Administrator described as “blatant drug deal(s) and [] distribution(s).”  On five occasions between January and June